Sunday, January 30, 2011

Relate Yourself. Flavor This. Moccasins

How can I be challenged more than by asking Toni to aid me in writing this Blog. Her last post was wonderfully and refreshing. I read everything through the filter of my personal knowledge of Toni. To hear a friend offer a independent statement of purposed excellence, grants the friend in viewing a confidences and pride in their selection of their friend. Truthfully though we hide our most courageous moments from our friends. My personal passions can ring out in my head loud and clear as though a bugle call to battle. To sit calmly at a coffee shop table and reveal this self found truth to a listening friend can often times sober my mind to calm my saber rattling rants. Tell them, tell them something your friend needs to know that you have a standard that fights inside of you. In confession of our desires and even out short comings we can know how to better guard our most loved ones. 

The bacon is made with chili flakes and brown sugar. The bacon's girth aids the flavors to be entrapped in the meat. The caramelized sugar is the first thing that your mouth tastes. The peppery taste is next and than after the heat of chili's fills your mouth. cooking aid

I would like to learn how to tan a hide. I feel helpless at my current state to imagine myself unable to physically clothe myself. Reading Tarzan of the Apes, may have turned my mind in this direction. Still, I wonder what my mind would invent if I had been born earlier in time. Creativity is filled by a hunger, inventions are made to cure problems. Today I try to imagine the problems that would bother me if the answer did not exist. Truth be told I would not invent the pocket watch.. But I can picture myself making Buck Skin Moccasins.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Foxtails and Emails.

It is a long weekend this weekend. I am up in Whangarei, my home town. One of my best friends Erin Cole-Baker is over from Bend at the moment and she played a gig last night. I felt like a proud parent. Watching her on stage with her brother, captured in the moment and playing music that was like magic to my ears. The crowd was big, enthralled, and surprising because there was a cyclone outside (I read today that it is the biggest rainfall since 1974...!). Erins music is so delicious! Instantly I am transported to forests filled with woodland creatures, deer, moonbeams, love, sweet lyrics floating around like fireflies. They make me happy in my soul, and make me want to move to bend where her songs are written!!

I decided today that I wanted a lucky foxtail. I scoured the internet for one, but turns out I cant get one shipped here....our border security wouldn't allow it (we don't have foxes). So I went out and bought some fur and made one. Im going to carry it around with me, and its going to bring some of the woodlands I dream about, around with me everyday!

Also, I came across this image today. It instantly reminded me of a friend of mine. So I emailed it to him, with a little note of encouragement. He replied instantly, with a note that read along the lines of "perfect timing, this spoke to me and some struggles I have been having." As Joe said previously about his dad, sometimes it pays to act on a thought.

Abi's Dinosaur Pony. CHOICE. My Dad

I think about dinosaurs a lot, even just today when my nieces was trying to tell me the name of her My Little Pony I repeated the name and than asked her, “ Abi you named your pony Dinosaur?” At this point in my mind I was so proud of the distinct choice of my niece, but her brother stepped in to interpret. “ No, Star Chaser”. I settled down as I realized that Little Pony's should have names like Star Chaser, rather than Dinosaur.

Decision making is a curse and a excitement. The road to the future is paved with decisions and just for fanciful fun the road to the future is bright yellow as Dorthy and Toto's road to meet the Wizard. Changes come by permission. I sat and watched my oldest sister teaching her oldest son math principles. In my memory I can recall my own self learning geometry in high school. My mind slowly tip toed into my answers with a bit of insecurity. The phrase that the teacher would use as I described my present understanding of the formula was, “ Yes, you can do it that way or also this way.” My mind would than take on the new formula and begin to process it till it than became a routine that I knew with a sense of surety in my mind. Decision making in our lives feel the same way. We entitle this process as “Experiences”. We experience permission and than we own the environment given to us by that permission. The people that we love to write about are those people who grant themselves permission by the independent processing of their own mind. 

The story is about my Father, and my Uncles life. They were young men working as Loggers in Northern California. My Uncle as a “Cutter” and my Father a “Hook Tender”. Cutters worked alone and go in front of the crew of men, while a Hook Tender works with the team. Cutters, inspect and fall trees. Cutters use techniques to fall trees in specific areas so that the Choker Crew and the Yarder Crew can pull the Logs to the Landing and load them to trucks. If time is wasted and logs are not accessible for the crew to gather, than money is wasted. A Cutter works alone, because he must walk and fall trees free from the distraction or the danger of other people around him. Many things can go wrong in falling a tree, the top of the tree hitting another tree can lift the bottom of the tree and swing it back towards the cutter. A tree hitting another tree can fall another tree if that tree is dead. The term, “ Widow Makers” describe large limbs that break and fall from a tree.
By a prompting my Dad felt that he should leave his current work with his crew on the one side of the hill to look for Randy. To follow this instinct my Dad had to walk up the hill and walk to find Randy. There was no certainty that my Dad could even find the area that Randy was currently working in. Cutters do not work near the present work site where the crew is gathering up the fallen logs, they move from place to place inspecting trees that have the most profit margin. My Dad found Randy crushed with a log on top of him. Randy's tree that he was falling struck another tree and caused a chain reaction. I don't know how to relate the actual size of the tree. In my minds eye, I have always pictured it as a tree that would have gone up to my chest, at least 4 feet to 5 feet in width. I picture this way because my Dad said his greatest fear was that if he cut the log off of Randy, that Randy would die instantly from the rush of blood back into his crushed body. There was no physical way to move the tree off of Randy. Randy was pinned underneath and could not be pulled out from underneath. My Dad cut sections from the log in the width of Randy's body with his chainsaw. Surgeons use scallops to save lives and my Dad used a chain saw. Randy was fine, his body was not crushed and my Dad humbled by the experiences of listening to the call he felt to look for Randy.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

act one " killing me softly with his bread." act two "This Librarian Will Hunt You Down!"

I was being feed dinner by James and Rachel. James and I had been working with his screen printer all day. Rachel invited me have dinner with them and I agreed. Their wonderful baby girl Charlie sat in her jumper playing with a rattling toy. A wonderful meal, black rice, collard greens and french toast. The french toast was made from a baguette. James said, “ Have you ever had Dave's killer bread? This is the Peace Bomb!” and this is the beginning of my story of, “ Dave's Killer Bread.” It was a year later at a little coffee shop on Belmont called Muddy Waters(RIP) that I saw they served the bread. In making conversation with the barista he told me with excitement that he had seen Dave. He was over joyed that the cartoon version of Dave is a true to life description of the man. At the least a years time from than, my cousin Jarod gave me his first hand encounter of meeting Dave himself inside of his bread factory. My current knowledge of Dave stands at this. Dave was a man that had screwed up his life, spent time in jail and while in jail he found that he liked making bread and that he viewed bread as a life giving item. He got out of prison and made his own bread factory. Jarod says Dave's bakery is intense because Dave hires convicts to make bread with him. Buy some of Dave's bread and taste a personal testament of a change man who is changing others lives as well.

I applied to be a Librarian, in the application it asked me to personally describe my view of the Librarian's Bill of Rights. After reading the Bill of Rights I came up with this answer. I did not get the job therefore you will not be checking out "Good Night Moon" from me.
The Library Bill of Rights is a statement of good faith to the occupants of the City of Nampa. Since full access of the Library requires proof by a card carrying Nampa Citizens. The Bill of Rights applies most directly to whom the Library is created to serve. The Library Bill of Rights shadows the American Governments Bill of Rights that stands for the protection of each individuals right as they partner with the United States in their hope for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. A librarian has sworn that they will acknowledge the privileges of others. The Privileges of others include individual thought and the free creativity. Material cannot be withheld from a Citizen who has met the required qualification of obtaining full access privileges to the Library. Any Citizen breaching the contract of faith as overshadowed by the American Bill of Rights, (Life,Liberty,and the pursuit of Happiness) can consider themselves also breaching the Library Contract of the Bill of Rights.
(and cue story time)
TheThree Little Pigs

Monday, January 24, 2011

Toni owns NZ, Cormac McCarthy, and Orofino

I am now going to be having my great and wonderful friend Toni write for PostCARDED Thoughts. Friends are a privilege and when you ask your friends to do things for you and they do it is a double privilege. Our theme in all of this is to offer thoughts that are sent out as Postcards. Toni is born and raised in New Zealand, meaning her thoughts are traveling to this primarily American read Blog as though a Postcard. She has been a inspiration to me the entire time I have known her, I only hope that this opportunity can also inspire you.

The shower faucet was being as sensitive as a second hand on a analogue watch. My temper was just as sensitive and because of this showers hostile behavior towards me I began talking to it. I had never given much thought to talking to inanimate objects. Cormac McCarthy's writes about this occurrences in “All The Pretty Horses” . He calls it to the readers attention as a act of Superstition. By giving objects morally guided natures. We ask cars why they would betray us, we accuse shower faucets of having personal vendettas against us. We could say that this is a expression of the belief in Pantheism, but Pantheism seems to emphasis on a harmony of Oneness in the Universe. When I talk to Inanimate Objects I am most often accusing them of treating me wrong. Pantheism from my perception begins with treating inanimate objects correctly because a essence of god exist in the object. It would seem odd to be expressing a Pantheist World View in cursing a door knob for always shocking me if I than believe that the door knob is god.

Orofino my parents dog wants me to take him on another walk. I love walks, and Oro does too I guess. His long face looks in from the sliding glass door with hazel eyes that see everything,but do not understand anything. Orofino is also the name of a town in North north Idaho. Not as north as Idaho's Coeur d'Alene but north enough to be a town just shy of Montana. In Highschool I traveled to Orofino twice my Junior and Senior year. State baseball was held there. The field was cut out of a hill side. We played on a flat slice of tabletop as the rest of the setting around us seem to be traveling vertically down the mountain side. The bleachers were concrete steps in a strong 45 degree angle. The crowd sat and looked out on a beautiful field combed with fine concern and kept with careful maintenance, while everywhere out of the touch of the stadium was the wilds of nature. Orofino the dog, and Orofino the town do not share the same quality traits, but still I am glad to have the big lab here in my life if not to remind me of that baseball field. 

 Orofino, Idaho

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Random wanderings.....

Hey. Ok so my name is Toni Lee Brandso. I live in a magical place called New Zealand. Yip, Its on the other side of the world to you. I live in a villa, in Ponsonby...its a great village, suburb, part of the city that is always buzzing...has GREAT coffee and a long enough walk to work that gives me time to think in the morning, but a short enough walk that I'm not over it by the time I get there.

I own a business with my best friend Liv Harper, and we have been operating for 2 GLORIOUS years. There has not been one day in the whole two years that I have not wanted to go to work, and there has not been one time that I hav
e not liked working with liv. She is a DREAM! We design interiors & events, we illustrate and create things. Every day is different. And I love the mash up.

At the moment we are working on some amazing projects. And we are TRUELY blessed!

Joe asked me last week to join his blog. He is good friends with my best friends ECB and BCB. I must confess, I am petrified of sharing a blog with Joe. Who's mind is like jumping into a book.... its crazy, exciting, scary, and super funny. Anywho..... I will post every now and again and share some things that are on my mind.....enough to fill a postcard.... probably enough to contemplate on the way to work.

So that is enough from me right now. Here is a photo from my morning walk......


Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Name. Is that you Winston? Conan the Detective.

A Possession to Name. The book was talking about the travelers coming upon the opening meadow. Which is called a Ashley. Today Ashley is the name of a Guy or Girl. The Pirate Captain in Rafael Sabatini Novel, named his ship after the woman he admired. What is in a name and what occurs inside of us to be able to name? I can only assume a ownership must first take place so that a instances can be named. I don't mean to say that a child is named from a instance, although I have known a Cypress and a Juniper who were named from their Fathers view of trees out the hospital window. What do we have to own before we can than name? For everyone has a inspiration of a calling something by a name, but never do we reflect on what posses that moment in which the name did not exist in our brains and the instant it now does. What inspiration were you showering yourself under when you gave the name that can be justified by the phrase “It just felt right.”

I am now reading Winston Churchills book the Crossing. I have my suspicions about the author being the Winston that I presumed it to be. Still the book is inspiring. A American tale about a young boy who lives alone with his Father in the back country in Kentucky. Inside the first chapter the boy tells about how his father boarded a passing traveler. The man asked for a place to sleep. That night you find out that this man is Daniel Boone. The book makes you feel like you are sitting in the presences of absolute greatness. As though you have just picked up a hitchhiker to find out that it is Christopher Walken and you are now driving him to the next closest town and requested to join him for dinner. The story is a flirtation with the possibility of our personal brushes with greatness. What could happen to you if you were drawn close enough to such a spark. 

I was surfing Youtube last night. I was following a odd lead of a movie that I have never heard of. In a list of favorite Movies the title, “Detective Conan” appeared. I was super curious about the title since my mind immediately picture “UHF'S” Conan the Librarian character. It is a Anime about a small little boy detective that wears a big bow-tie. The story concept was true to being unique, but I felt as though I could not award this movie my full two hours of attention. In my mind I said, “hmm this is something I would have totally loved and enjoyed five years ago.” No insult to the great creation of this story, I just personally now know that my time is limited on this earth. And until I magically get my wisdom teeth removed again and have a ample excuse to sit on a couch watch hours upon hours of Anime I will not be viewing, “Detective Conan”.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Woman with No Name

Inspiration for this most likely comes from reading Captain Blood. Titles that I have thought of are, " Six Shots to Love",  
" Love Bandit",  but as I said before I need help. You have until tonight to name this years picture for Valentines for Aids.

Joss Whedon, Guys named Bruno, and Sherlock Holmes

Last night was The Mentalist a show by Bruno Heller. I think is is a bit odd that the writers of shows are not more noted. J.J Abrams and Joss Whedon have changed those rules for me, as far as writers being noted in television. I try to often guess the theme Bruno Heller's episodes. Because he has created the character of Patrick Jane(Simon Baker) a circus Mentalist that uses his unique gift of read people to solve crimes. To me this classic character opens the door to classic plots and conclusions on human beings. Where as a television program like Law and Order describes the slow detail steps of a Judaical System. Simon Baker is a classic a character as Sherlock Holmes himself. Bruno has taken a burden off of himself by allowing a classic character to reappear as new.

Car commercials are a bit annoying once you have purchased a car. I would feel much more cooler if they hosted commercial about post models and their reliability. “ Experience the Great! Once Again, The 2003”, hosted by commercial music that was from bands that had hot tracks in 2003. Still last night I was thinking of numbers and percentages. Being ruled by them. Issac Asimov created a book trilogy about a civilization that was able to save itself by giving itself entirely over to mathematical provability. For some reason I attached this thought to cars and driving. In a quick thought I imagined cars being able to tally compiled information to permit the driver access to their vehicle or not. The initial idea is for bad drivers of stormy days and drunk drivers when driving irregularity's became noticeable. I would like a formula to be done for my best productivity. Still this Formula would be as ever changing as Car Commercials and we would never feel the intended rest we wish from the commercial advertisement. The World would always tell us to download the new percentage gauge. Lets just think about top hit songs of 2003.

Tomorrow I am turning in my picture for Valentines for Aids. This is a statement of my intention now. If I submit tomorrow as my past experience has taught me, they hang your art work first and in the best spots. I want you guys the readers to name the picture, but I would like the naming responsibility to be shared by all of you. So I was hoping to throw out three of so potential titles and have your comments decide. The events proceeds go to benefit SNAP Safety Net For Aids Program. Since I have to submit the picture tomorrow the naming needs to occur today and tonight. I don't own a camera yet so I will be borrowing one later today and posting. Stay on this.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Valentines Day Art Show, Rainbow Bright, and my first date in Disneyland

I found out Cassie was interested in me in Mexico in 1999! Quite the place for a relationship to occur. I was on a Mexico Missions Trip. I was with my church youth group and we were building a house for a future family to move into. We all stayed at a Ranch that housed us in Boy Dormitory's and Girl Dormitory's. I can remember being prompted by my Cousin to talk to Cassie. Let it be known that Cassie was awesome and way smarter than me. Smarter in the area of human interaction. The only note worthy thing that I did to convince Cassie of my stellar aptitude as a possible companion is that I pulled her up to the top of a retaining wall. After this she told me how strong I was. Later in the back of a bus I silently gestured to take hold of her hand. She grabbed my hand and I had begun my first relationship. It was after this that our group went back over the boarder and stopped for a evening in Disneyland. I took my first girlfriend on a date to Disneyland.

Valentines day is coming up. I am submitting a painting for the benefit art show, “Valentines for Aids” Several years ago it was the 13th year of the show. I can only guess that this is the 15th or 16th this year. I have submitted three times. It is fun to make art that has a theme or a context. The first year I painted in watercolors a husband and wife serving each other drinks. The man serving his wife a martini and the woman serving her husband something in a Hi-ball glass. Both the husband and the wife had secret science beakers behind their backs. The woman had a beaker with a emblem of a heart, the husband had a emblem of a skull. The caption of the picture was, “May you get everything you wish for this Valentines Day.” The intention was to display both getting there hearts truest desire, for her husband to love her, for his wife to die. She would die as he wanted, but he would be madly in love with her as she wanted though she now is dead and gone.

My sister turned on Rainbow Bright the Movie for my Nephews. I was entranced,the mystery's of my youth were answered. I could never figure out what that mechanical horse was doing in Rainbow Bright. And I knew that the rider of the black rocket horse was a super rad character, but I could not remember fully what he looked like. Basically he a fall out character from Voltron drawn by the same guys who did the Lord of the Rings movies. The taped video of Rainbow Bright that I had was not complete. Grandma taped our movies for us kids to watch. Once at the end of a movie a bit of another program came on with a clip about a invisible dinosaur that my childlike mind wondered about continually. It was later in life that I discovered the movie was Predator(1987).

Crystal Castles 'BAPTISM' Official

Kimbra - Settle Down (Official Music Video HD)

Bat For Lashes - What's a Girl To Do

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Name is Peter Blood! Captain Blood!

Its gonna get weird before things get better. In the process of making friendship the best friendships are not always a proper recipe for advertising. I have a favorite friend who likes to announce that I thought her a snob when I first met her. Truth be told I did and I told her this. Truth be told she was, but I like my snob friend just the way she is(grin). I have many times been paid a social compliment that left me feeling odd and without a expression of return. Although I knew not how to return a expression of gratitude for the compliment it still assures my future feelings towards the newly marked friend.

I have been waiting to read all day long. I am currently reading “Captain Blood” To all you Kindle Kids this little number is a free! On the kindle! I came to know this story first from buying a old Vhs of the movie by the same title made in 1935. Starring Errol Flynn as Peter Blood. In the movie the Aviator (2004)starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jude Law plays Errol Flynn inside the movie . Jude Law does a wonderful job portraying Flynn, but it was a little to nothing task for him to try to emulate the personality of Flynn. Flynn the man was a world wide adventurer, writer, and Big Game hunter and cruised Hollywood as a Playboy. The phrase, “ In like Flynn” is a expression about the actor after he was found not guilty to "statutory rape" charges. All of this aside I am still loving Captain Blood and have hopes to read Sea Hawk next by the same author, Rafael Sabatini.

There is a couple here at the coffee shop who appear to be on a date. A introductory meeting. I gauge this from the body position of her legs turned to him on the couch to acknowledge his presences, still though she is placed at a distances that leaves no room for knees to magically touch. Plus by accident I came into full view of the girls face and made direct eye contact with her. She look like a deer in the headlights. It is rare to see a girl give you the innocent deer in the head lights look when you accidentally make eye contact with her and her man. The two results which can most commonly happen in this eye contact are that the girl does not give you the attention of her eyes. A girl that has established her thoughts towards her man has a instinct that can warn any aware man that she is unavailable. The other thing that may and might occur inside of accidental man and woman eye contact is that the girl will give you eyes back. This is good warning sign to any man that this girl is trying sense a self worth from your miss intended crossing. By the reasons we have defined we can say there is proof that this couple is on a meet and greet date. I drink coffee and solve mysterious, All Day Long.....Dude! he is going for the arm over the couch! His tactics seem obvious.

Monday, January 17, 2011

River Monsters, Harvey, and Sophomores

Sophomore to Freshman. Why is it that the first noise made by them is always the tone of most inspiration. I can make a theory for this, but a theory is bad application of a miss guided idea to cure a presumable ailment into rightness. What is the plumb line, and if the man with the theory has never done any such feats can he than in good consciences offers his higher view of the artist intended course? Simply put, “Why is our first works of art as Freshman so much more unique than the Sophomore practiced talent?”

I walk the Burnside Bridge in Portland Oregon at least twice a day. I walk it to go get my cup of coffee. The walk takes about fifteen minutes and I most often eat my Quinoa that I have prepared for my lunch. I love to dream of a large large fish arising from the deep dark murky water to grasp a breath of air. I can imagine it size to be cruise liner length. The deep greenish mud hue with a rainbow blue iridescence reflecting light of its back. My eyes search for it quite often and dream for it to arise. In the instant it would surface I would watch it in solitary way not directing any unheard attention to it. After all in the moments I took to gather a witness my sea beast would be gone and in truth I would want every instant to see it and to memorize the every detail.

My diet has changed recently and I am being a baby about the whole ordeal. We place our days into order so that we can schedule a free time in our live to be spontaneous. I use the order of food to help balance my daily routine. I can talk myself out of bed in the morning if I know that I will be making eggs and toast for myself for breakfast. I also have made it my habit to make my lunch every day and to eat the same thing day in and day out for the last six months. With the change of my diet and eating routine I have become increasingly grumpy. I don't know how to tell the world around me that I will be okay once I put the wheels back on the cart.

Years ago my oldest sister bought me the movie “Harvey” with Jimmy Stewart. Actors and Actress in this movie preform at a level of excellence that is amazing. Again I reminded of themes in life that are so quickly forgotten. However Harvey is a movie of brilliant deception as it never sets camp upon a teaching that must be taught to each and everyone. It is my reassurance today that in order for good story telling to take place, the writer must be willing to lose members of the audience for lack of understanding. This is a encouragement in art work as well. It was a thought long ago to me that I would rather be a arrow tip that reaches a set group of viewers with a cutting tip than to be the open shot of the shotgun. We cannot choose our audience however, but we do get to choose our personal practices towards the goal. I cannot promise you that you will ever win the Boston Marathon, but I can promise you that running and exercising daily places you closer to a result with potential.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Lucinda Williams, Luis Borges

Lucinda Williams is playing on the coffee shops play list. She is singing along with a male artist. The Album is most defiantly his solo work and Lucinda is only appearing on this song. Lucinda Williams album “Car Wheels on a Gravel Road” reads as a book to me. I was convinced in my minds eye that I was once again traveling down the dirt and dusty road of my childhood. In my minds memory the light always reflects with a bright brilliance as though the sun, was so much younger at that age in my life and now it has matured and lost that highest hue of shine.

I have filled up my Moleskin journal. I need a new one, but the asking price is 17.99, a big hurdle. I buy the Moleskin brand continually and prefer it. I cry in my milk at times not being able to write in a journal. I most always have one, but each time I finish my Moleskin Journal I hesitate to buy a new one. It is in that hesitation process that I write more on this computer of mine. I debate inside my head whether or not my words hold the value worth of 17.99 After thinking this for a time and a time I begin to read my old forgotten recorded thoughts in my previous journals, after this I realize its value and than travel out and buy myself a new one with a excitement to the adventure in writing.

I must read Luis Borges, “ Dream Tiger” soon again. He writes of three Tigers, I cannot fully recall the description and individual value of each tiger. But Borges seems to tell me at times that he never personally cared to add and equate. I felt at many times he never gave me irrefutable evidences of his artistic mastery. So I continued to read him, so that I might be able to tell my peers what I had come to know and find and in this I would have a small studious victory. However, I never could find my way out of the room that his writings opened inside of my mind. To try and to explain him to the onlookers I would have to stumble over my own new conceptions of imagery. It is as though I went to the Circus to disprove The Mentalist, but instead walked away with a new interest to join the Circus.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

1984, lavendar and the Soviet Army

I had to create dialogue and plot between plastic superhero toys today. I was playing with my Nephews and I was engaging them in lessons of imagination. I can remember playing as a child, and I turned book shelves into high bluff cliffs, pillows into large rocks and corners of couches into cave fortresses. Today I played with all true conviction, hoping to retain a small amount of this childhood vision so that I could drive down the road and see through child like eyes, my world's possibilities.

The best color to wear right not is Purple, or rather a pastel purple that could be called Lavender. Purple is the color of Kings, and if I had to make up a story of its origin I would say that its beautiful color comes from the combination of the harvested Grape, along with the oils of the Abalone sea shell. Only once a year can the color be made, and the certainty of its brilliance's can only be assured by the resolve of the grape harvester and the abalone divers. If the rain does not fall, or if the frost comes early the grapes fail. If the winter is too cold and the rivers too muddy the abalone with not cultivate. Of course, I cannot know these things to be certain.

Driving home in the car one night and switching stations on the radio I stopped to listen to two DJ's hosting a evening program. The girl DJ mentioned that they are remaking the movie “Red Dawn” The male DJ only replied that he had never seen the movie. I screamed inside of my car as “Red Dawn” was being tried on public airways without a proper testimony of its great goodness. The DJ than received a caller onto the program whom was previously known by the host. The Call In Guest, was brilliant! I yelled in joy and excitement as the he described “ Red Dawn” with out apology as a movie that is about a group of Outdoor Enthusiast High School kids who go to war with the Soviet Army who are holding their parents captive inside the town drive in movie theater. They drink deers blood and yell “WOLVERINES!” starring Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen 1984.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"She went to go get Ice."

While walking through Toys'rus I saw a Action Figure that had amazing hair. I decided that if this Action Figure can have cool hair, than I also can. I took a picture of him and than asked my hair cutter woman to cut my hair as such. She was more than pleased with my choice. I am also more than pleased with the outcome. Toys'rus I will be visiting you more frequently for all my ascetic needs. Thank you and good byeish.

I love Ice Machines in Hotels. I love the buckets that is placed in each room dedicated to this action. However I never have had need for the ice, but I like to go and get it. It is a kind of lonesome act to take part in. Much like getting a cup of coffee from the cup'o'matic in the Hospital. The entire process of serving coffee hot inside of a cup to you can be made by a six foot, two foot box. Just waiting for your coffee to be dispensed is enough to take your mind off of your current focus, which would be the hospital halls, the hospital waiting rooms, the hospital smell. While you listen to the hum of the mysterious machine, your emotions can be rocked in the process of the machine. The process that it is preforming is 'Automated'. Going to the Ice Machine is a process of being automated, hoping that this process will tell you something as to why you are in the hotel to begin with.

My Dad has told me that the key to keeping oneself productive, is to find a need that no one is aiding and to provide yourself as the solution for that need. I cannot sell my own art work very well. I do not see my own paintings true value and I cannot drive a consistent price. I have given away more artwork that I have sold. I have given it away, because I have seen the need for it. I see people who are not made to feel comfortable in their dwellings, in there places of living. They have no immediate wonderment that occupies their home. The mind need to rest in your home, but the mind also needs to be charged with the expectation to the new.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Spartacus and Kimbra

I just watched Kimbra's music video for the song Settle Down. Ah Goodness it was cool. The music was great, the artist was up front and guiding you through the tone of what her music is about, and it told a story. The music to me is reminiscent of a big band era, since I lived in no such era I am guided by the depictions I have seen. A distinct powerful woman's vocal guides the room as it is carried by beautiful classical instruments that send the arrangement of sung words flying into various emotions with the instruments swelling,falling, crashing. The artist was guiding the music video. The video is not amazing, it is informative. She,Kimbra danced through out the video by her own inspiration. She is not well trained in dancing, but she is moving in a way that says that she is moved directly by what she is doing. Often times a video is filled with girls who are dancing not to entertain themselves, but are dancing for you the viewer. They practice stopped position posses that make them appear as though they are advertising for a magazine aid. If you don't buy magazines, don't posse like them. Sell what you believe in. The video told a story, it told a message and it was super fun and stylized. I am a sucker for a story as well as many others.

I have a Kindle now, but I have this odd owners feeling. The feeling is as though I have just bought a Gym Master Machine off of a late night television program. Based upon the real life testimony of the normal house mom, “Tammy” I too can also lose 28 pounds in a months time. I registered my Kindle on the same day that I also registered my car. Registering for anything is funny, cause now a little information about you is traveling a further away from you than you ever intended. Yes I registered my Kindle under the name TigerHorse, but the Kindle is still smart enough to call me Joe, instead of TigerHorse. Its like the Kindle does not want to recognize the superstar personification that I am trying to read my life by.

Conan O'brien was made into a superhero by a DC artist. Yes, the clip is all over The Face Book, but good heavens can we just talk about old outdated information for a second. I know little of Conan, but I support him. He is the Spartacus of this Roman Television Program world. When I say Spartacus, I mean Kirk Douglas circa 1960. Jean Simmons tells Kirk Douglas that the origin of the wind is from a man who eternally thinks of a girl and sigh's. Kirk Douglas than kisses her in a Man Manish Quick Grab Style. Quick Grab Style Grabbing only appears in movies, and if it is done wrong it has the same consequences as missing the turn on a fake punch. Conan O'brien leads his late night show with the same kissing bravado.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hour long walks and Art questions

I am wanting to ask him questions to find out what he has discovered inside of his own expression of artwork. However, I find the start of this process annoying because it involves me teaching him about what I know of my personal expression of artwork. In truth I am not entirely sure that I need to know what he knows, but I have had opportunities to work together with other artist to create something more. The expression of Humility I have been reciting to myself inside of my head is the phrase, “ being more interested in someone else than in yourself” I was wondering if he wanted to include me into any projects that he was working on, you know like a time lapse video of me painting. When I think of saying this to him, it might be that his view of time lapse video's is a outdated expression and regurgitation of past and old principles. Sure every thing eventually get remade with a new shiny spin on it, but when something is out of current style, it is a terrible thing to mention. How do I than ask him about his work in a humble way, without pulling out my self-yearbook of accomplishments? Still, its not what you have done, but its what you can currently do.

Deep deep water is the man's heart, but the man of wisdom will make a plan, lower his bucket and bring up his thoughts and do so for the aid of others. I am needing to read a book about cultural differences. I am wanting to be inspired on how such small impacts can change our whole perspective. I am wanting to read this, not for the sake of traveling outside of my country, but living inside of my own. Does a geographical location give someone entitled right to superiority? There are shifts in focus of priorities and expressions of acceptances. I cannot pretend that my examples that I learn here will be able to guide someone in the same situation. I am only making a personal note for my body to be aware of changes, changes that will require new skills to develop and weakness to be exposed.

I am going to go on a nice long walk just before lunch. When I walked the other day I saw so many ducks, I liked looking at them and their amazing colored feathers. Thinking of how alike they all appear in their extraordinary patterns. If I had a coat so amazing to appear as life like as the ducks plumage, I am sure someone would ask me to be a King.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tylenol PM and the Luck of Heaven

It is January 9th, that means my gym membership is over. I was running 40 minutes a day and sitting in the steam room for 10 minutes. The steam room instructs you that you should only sit inside of it for 10 minutes. I cannot quit place the status that a steam room has in the exercise world. I remember watch a 20/20 television special about horse jockey riders losing weight by dancing around in steam rooms. I like the odd memory of television reports voice playing in my head, while watching two professional jockey's dancing around in a sweat room to lose weight for their next big race. I think about those Jockeys every now and again, and if I ever have a jockey son rider of my own I am gonna name him “Sweats”.

I own a original Game Boy as made by Nintendo. Nintendo means, Ninten 'leave luck to the heavens' + do 'company'. I am glad that Nintendo stuck with their Japanese name for their product rather than launching out a Americanized translation of the Gaming System. However, maybe I would have taken my video gaming in a different way if I known that the companies whole slogan of expression was a coin toss of fate. And now, knowing the bases of this companies expressed wishes, I can pass on my hard internal feelings of having never beaten the last boss on Double Dragon. I miss interpreted the opening sequences of the video game, when the gang of guys came out and punched my girlfriend in the stomach and carried her off. If I would have known that I was playing Double Dragon for the Leave Luck to the Heavens Company, I might have taken my first lose on that game cartridge as the fate of the heavens in failing to rescue my girlfriend. However I have boiled with a internal justice that my 8 bit girlfriend still cries out somewhere from a holding cell beyond the physical eyes sight.

I was sick, sleeping all day and taking my allotment of flu drugs. I dreamed a lot. The one dream was based around watching “Back to the Future” inside of my dream while walking around my old house talking on the phone with a old girl that was my friend. The part I enjoyed the most was when I didn't have anything to say, so I stopped talking on the phone for a very long time, hoping that maybe she hung up while wishing I could get back to my movie. Finally I said,”Hello” she answered back and said that she had nothing to say either that she just was staying on the line. The Other dream consisted of me riding in the back of a tan mid 80's suburban with two ex-girl friends, while my Grandpa drove up the side of a mountain with my Grandma in the passenger seat. At one point my Grandpa had to go 4 wheeling in a quite amazing and unbelievable way. It was after my Grandfather moved safety around the cliff in the suburban, me and one of the ex-girlfriends gave each other Powerful High Fives. The End. Innocent right, that I how I felt about it. Thanks, Tylenol PM, you are the yearbook drug of my consciences.

Hair Cuts and Treadmills

I ran again today, and sat in the sweat house. Ah man if I have my eggs breakfast with spinach and Dave's Killer Bread I will be set for the day. That is until I have a needing crave for a Mexican Coke.

I am on vacation, so that means I am wearing the same clothes over and over again. I remember friends who traveled around the world made a huge complaint about having to wear the same old things in their suitcases. At the time I thought that they were being poor examples of travelers. They were traveling around the world in a year. I have been in my case for two and half weeks.

Faith is cutting my hair today. She is also the author of the blog I follow entitled, “ Why My Cup of Tea?” If you are looking for back story maybe you can read her blog as well. We could just keep having Blog friends appear with Back Stories and than we could stage some kind of large scale Blog Clue Murder Mystery Game. I have not thought about how that looks, I just think that people could comment crap like, “It was Moses Joe in the Blogs about Bikes! With the Paint Brush!!” I like adding exclamation marks. It makes us hear pretend yelling while reading them.

McJunk and McFarlane

I talked with a comic book shop owner today. He talked in a super quiet voice. Super quiet is not the true description, because he spoke as he was always telling me a secret about up and coming titles of books. I wonder if Comic followers could be classified though, you know like coffee drinkers can be classified. Example is that in the area of Portland, most everyone would rather pay the new raised 25 cent price on Stumptown's americanos that to drink the largest free Starbucks thing. I would rather read the lowliest hope and dream of a comic put out by the blood sweat and tears of the author and artist than the next big title mini series craze. He likes Tod McFarlane, I like Ryan Ottley.

I really like Tom Waits, and Blind Willie. Are those things that are going to mark me and settle me into a class and a mold? You know? Like you climb into the truck and you know that Creedance Clear Water is going to be playing? Of course I have never gotten into a Fleetwood Mac car, although everyone I want to talk to likes Stevie Nicks. And truth be told I have never owned a Tom Waits Cd officially and since my vehicles only support Compact Disc playing lifestyles, I am up the creek without a paddle.

A free 8oz soy latte, and writing buddy greet me kindly. I am sitting next to a circus style popcorn machine and starring at a wall covered with signed autographs of all the musicians who have preformed here. In my mind I hear a echoing call, telling me that I have been seeing only the existences of what I think I know. Now I sit here, I realize that these kids have done a lot with the place, far beyond what I ever could have done if I would have sat around and stayed.

Hari Seldon and Magicial Gypsy Encampments

Wanting a cup of coffee and some evening conversation. I can imagine the Stumptown of Belmont right now. It was at that coffee shop that I read the Isaac Asimovs famous Foundation Series, and it was at that coffee shop where I read several of Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan of the Apes. The tables were nice and thick, the guest to the coffee shop were people who had often walked on foot from and within the neighborhood. That is how I always arrived at the coffee shop, walking out my evening thoughts in paths through the streets. To have a footed destination, to become a part of a company and to know a company is a great sensation.

I sometimes think about modern day sales and the trading of goods and product in the context of a bohemian life style, like a magician Gypsy encampment. We watch many movies that cast characters as fun loving shop keepers, and black smiths, bakers, and so on. Why do our current lives not support such colorful roles. We buy fast food, we rush our time so that we look for drive through windows rather than coffee shops with quality roomy tables. We don't read books, we watch movies, we don't write stories, we receive them from others. Ralph Waldo Emerson made a impression upon me in a short essay he wrote entitled, “ Self-Reliance” Trust yourself and give life to your idea with words and belief, otherwise we will wake up some morning and hear another man confess our same idea before we acted upon it, and it will be at that point that we will have to fall behind him in line to see our idea come true. If we want our lives to be as colorful as the movies, we are the ones who must make it that way. Ralph Waldo Emerson did not make any comment about television, I just tacked that idea on at the end.

At a late age I was exposed to Television Cartoons. I remember watching X-Men for the first time. The excitement of the cartoon and the unheard mystery of the X-Men, caused me to stand in front of the tv paralyzed to move from the intensity. Before this Pollyanna was something that I had watched frequently. Pollyanna fell out of a tree and was paralyzed. Different variety of intensity.

January 4th and Tarzan of the Apes

It is a intention that you must write with a goal audiences. Don't stress yourself out fearing over the perfect market selections that your thoughts are equated for. The statement is only a loose guiding measure of something we all need to know in variation before hand. It has the same weight as Do Not Litter Sign, but should be read more carefully like a What To Do When Approached By a Cougar sign (Yes if you live in the North West you have read a sign as such). You should reason with your mind that there is a audience out there that will read your writing. Just like you should learn all the words to you favorite Aerosmith song and not allow your shower singing passion to carry you ill prepared to the front of karaoke night.

I love King Kong. I am reading Tarzan of the Apes again. If you have not read it, read it and love it. I don't know if there is a King Kong Novel out there. If there was one, I would imagine it would be dark like Joseph Conrad, filled with strong references of the uncontrollable and jungle heart of Man. I capitalized M in Man, sorry if you are a girl and don't approve of such strong upper case language.

I was watching the 90's cartoon of the X-Men today. The episode I watched was about time travel. In the future Logan, aka Wolverine was the last of the X-Men alive in a apocalyptic world. He visits the graves of his fallen friends and comrades. I was shocked to see that Cyclops lived to see 2032 but Jubilee died in 2010. I feel like I have not truly respected the passing of one of the X-Men. Its 2011 and I have not even thought about Jubilee's sacrifice in the World War with the Sentinels. I mean I paused in reflection on July 5th 2010 when Marty McFly traveled to meet us from Back to the Future. My personal calendar and my values need to be synced up, otherwise I might miss out on the Fast Food Wars to come of the Demolition Man. I have my stock in you Taco Bell.