Sunday, February 20, 2011

Love, beards, Indians and Diamond Delis

I have a couple of things to write about today. One being LOVE. I went to church last night and the guy talked about Love. The love your neighbour type of love. He told the story of "the good samaritan", you know the one....a Jewish traveler is beaten, robbed, and left half dead along the road. First a priest and then a Levite come by, but both avoid the man. Finally, a Samaritan comes by. Samaritans and Jews generally despised each other, but the Samaritan helps the injured Jew. Jesus is described as telling the parable in response to a question regarding the identity of the "neighbour" which says should be loved. He then went on and used another analogy to tell the story, which I LOVED.

He told the story using cowboys and Indians, rifles and bow and arrows. The indian rides past on his horse, sees a naked cowboy on the side of the road with arrows in his back. He doesn't think twice and picks up the cowboy, throws him over the back of his horse and rides him in to the next town. The town is a cowboy town. The men sit on their porches chewing tobacco, shining their rifles and watch with beady eyes as the Indian rides in with the near dead cowboy on his back. He could turn around, but he puts his life on the line to do good for his neighbour. Thats the kind of good Samaritan I'm talking about! Love extravagantly! (Im loving cowboys, indians, the movie True Grit and beards (fox man attached) right now so this story fit in with my trains of thought of late!)

Last weekend me and liv (my business partner) went down to Wellington (Capital of NZ) to pick up our friends jewelry range that we are now distributing. We had the best weekend with some friends who live down there who took us to this AMZING cafe called "Queen Sallys Diamond Deli". I would say it is in the top 5 cafes I have ever been too. It ties together seamlessly the eclectic, industrial, cutesy look. With full attention to every detail (anchor cut outs in the verandah awning, a carousel horse light, bunting, delish food, gold lettering, vintage lights and handmade signs).

So thats all. As per usual I'll attach a few pictures. Words are always better with some visuals I think!

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