In the book, "Japanland. A year in search of Wa."The author tells a story about encounter a couple of business man walking home from the bar. The Men were singing loudly and expressing themselves as though they were children again. When the business men saw the author, they straightened themselves up right in front of her and held their composure as she passed. The author used this story to give a example of the fragment portions of these Japanese Business Men's lives. Saying that they are called daily to be professional that when joy comes upon them it enraptures them to a child like state. Happiness is a high of the body. Even more interesting is the question who can we be happy around? “I have never seen you like this!” Has the person never had fun with you, or have you never felt safe enough around the person to express your joy.
On a day like today I only really feel like trying to write all day long. I starting to get the feeling that the rest of the world is waiting for me to catch up in life. I feel like I missed a inherited social pressure that is given to all human's to hold us by instinct to safe conduct. I have heard rumor that there were members of a Indian tribe that were always in high demand to work for constructing skyscrapers. The reason being is that these Indian's were claimed to have been born without a sense of heights, or rather “ The Fear of Heights.” I don't know this story to be true, but I don't believe it to be false either. I am simply saying that I feel like I was born in absences of something. This absences is both a tool and a hindrances just like the Indians who worked on the skyscrapers. To be born without Fear? Or to need fear? What is the gift and what is the curse, in either state of being the other person knows the least about the other.
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