Friday, November 25, 2011

Circus. Mona and the Nine Knives. Winner.

Outside of town yards upon yards of canvas are being stretched and elevated on and over the ground. The ground is wet and clay with green grass growing in small gathered portions. The grass exist only at the clay's mercy. Foot prints engrave the ground and create tiny canyons and gather water to the bottom of each treads ravine. The canvas cloth has long since forgotten its life of pure spun cotton. Even the hands who form it view the canvas as a ancient deity of existences and not a commodity of common man's trade. This skin we shape is dragon's flesh upon shafts of wood taken from the Trojan's Horse. The ground it inhabits is no longer earth, nor heaven, but somewhere that exist on in the privilege of the human mind. Welcome one and all to the Circus. 

There is a girl who has lived for the Tiger's Circus for the whole of her consciences thought. She has no true start in her life. When all are born we cry out and scream for our Mother. Our arms push at the air and our eyes open from birth to see what will become familiar. The Girl Mona of the Tiger's Circus had no such start. Her mouth did not sound, and her Mother did not answer her because she was lost in the process of bring Mona here. Mona never felt her Mother's touch, and therefore she never cried, and she never opened her eyes. Rather she opened her eyes but saw nothing that is the start of familiar.
What is easy for common man, is unfamiliar to Mona. What is familiar to Mona stands as uncommon to the whole of man. Mona throw the Nine Tiger's Knives at a audience volunteer in the Tiger's Circus. To the audience member of such a privilege, they are left without description of the experiences that follows the Nine Knives of Mona to pass nearer than fate to them in a circular fashion. For to describe the in describable, it is as though hearing your first child cry his or her's first cry after birth. To those who have no children, you may try to imagine the experience with a melancholy state of mind. To the parent who has heard this call, you are made familiar with that which is very unfamiliar.

To my best friend whom I see now in my mind I want to call back and tell you something about yourself. Maybe the words are too full of great notion to be any present day help. Because the ideas I have of you sounds more as the speech of Marc Anthony to the Murdered Body of Caesar than to the real life man whom you are today. Still this version of you lives in the halls of my mind and my description of you will only be larger and taller than all other men once I am to the age where the young want to listen to me. You wore a smile that drew a line of division to the men of less confident self faith around you. Your dreams lived at the height of your voices volume. Your enemies were numerous and your closest counsel was the man who stood to your side. You made war at social peace treaties that others had formed in alliance with one another. Your Love rose to new heights daily, by your own professing or your own forgetting. You won, you loved and you won. To all who did not know how you did this, you did it through the rejection. To every conflict, there is dirt that we are ground in to, and blood that is pulled out of us. When others tremble at this thought, you addicted yourself to the sensation of it.

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