Hello. I'm writing this while drinking a hot cup of Milo. If you don't know what that is, its kinda like a hot chocolate, but not. Malty, delish goodness.
Today is the one week anniversary of the Christchurch earthquake. It struck last Tuesday, at 12:51pm. And is the biggest natural disaster in New Zealand's history. It's thought that more than 200 people are dead, but a lot are still missing under the rubble of buildings. Its so crazy to think that Christchurch of all places has been destroyed. I always think New Zealand is so secure, stable and hidden away from any kind of serious danger. I've never thought of making a survival kit for my house (times have changed tho!). It has affected so many people, and friends and family of friends. So close to home!
What is amazing out of all of this destruction is the unity of people around the country. It feels like we are all one big family. Today the whole country stood still for 2 minutes, to honour quake victims. (I Happened to break down on the motorway an hour before and was ridding in the front cab of the tow truck at 12:51pm, so me and the truck driver had our minutes of silence together.....strange, but Very cool!).
Sites have been set up for people needing accommodation, most offered for free. And already one week on over $1o million dollars has been raised by red cross. Today our landlord told us that he wanted us to pay 10% less for a month and give that money to the red cross. SO GREAT. I feel so useless with how I can help, but every bit I guess can create a small miracle for someone else. Im praying for many little miracles for all the people who are suffering. Little glimpses of hope to continue through the next weeks and months.
All this chaos has made me think about what matters in life. I have thought often this week about our business, creating interiors and making beautiful spaces. I guess it still does matter, we need beauty? But I guess what I / we need to remember is people. To keep relationships at the center of our lives, and not be too busy for loving those around you, your family, friends, colleagues, contractors, clients, grocery shop assistants, mechanics, etc. Everyone!
I wrote this quote in my iphone notes the other day..... "love people because they exist". Its simple and I'm making it my motto.

Pic from Fashion Toast.
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