A couple of weeks ago I got news that one of my best friends Lippy is being deported back to the Uk within the month. It is such a shock. She has been revising her visa application for a few months now, and it has been a massive ordeal for her. I never in a million years thought it would end up like this.
Kind of makes me not want to be friends with anyone from anywhere other than NZ because it's to painful to let them go! But of course that is crazy, and it would be such an insular protected life!!

I feel selfish thinking about what my life is going to be like without her. It's going to be so strange and I will miss her sooooo much. Lippy is such a generous, joyful, playful friend. One that you just want to be around because they give you life. It makes me wonder since this has all come around so quickly, have I been a good friend in return. Have I shown her enough love, have I given her enough of my time? It also makes me think to enjoy where you are, when you are there and make the most of the moments you have with people.
I am trying these days to have a balanced life. To not spend too much time at work (I have a tendency to be a workaholic) , to spend more time with friends and family.

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