Today I have been thinking a bit about self confidence; about God confidence (if that is a word) and about feeling the fear and doing it anyway. I came to thinking about these things because yesterday a friend of mine asked my business partner and I if we wanted to audition for an Ad with him. I have never done anything like that before, and liv has. She got scouted off the street and flown to Rarotonga for a weekend to shoot an ad. So you can imagine my trepidation of not ever doing anything like this before. The little doubt monsters crept in, telling me I wasn't good enough, so I decided not to do it. Later that night however two things popped out of the page of something I was reading. The first, a quote "feel the fear and do it anyway" and the second, about having confidence in God and when we do move out of our comfort zone we are challenged, we grow and we rely on God. So I thought, screw it Im going to do this Ad.
We went to the audition, but while filling out the forms I found that I am going to be in Australia on the days they are filming so I couldn't audition. That however is not the end of the story. As I was walking out the lady said to me "You have a really great look, you should join the books." You can imagine my surprise. A little boost in confidence from a stranger never does any harm! So I left feeling great! Great that I was going to join a talent agency, great that I had stepped out in fear, and great that I had relied on God. It seems fickle maybe? But I love that God is always there, in the big things, the little things and in the things you just would never think he would care about. AWESOME!
I have one more thing to write about. Summer has come back over here. It was so hot today that I needed something cold to drink, all I could find was beer in the fridge at work. So thats what I drank, at 3:30pm. My thoughts on this, are that afternoon beer always tastes soooooo much better than night beer. I think because its so refreshing! oooh! But also that if you do drink beer at 3:30pm on a work day that is the end of your work day. Ciao.
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