Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Valentines Day Art Show, Rainbow Bright, and my first date in Disneyland

I found out Cassie was interested in me in Mexico in 1999! Quite the place for a relationship to occur. I was on a Mexico Missions Trip. I was with my church youth group and we were building a house for a future family to move into. We all stayed at a Ranch that housed us in Boy Dormitory's and Girl Dormitory's. I can remember being prompted by my Cousin to talk to Cassie. Let it be known that Cassie was awesome and way smarter than me. Smarter in the area of human interaction. The only note worthy thing that I did to convince Cassie of my stellar aptitude as a possible companion is that I pulled her up to the top of a retaining wall. After this she told me how strong I was. Later in the back of a bus I silently gestured to take hold of her hand. She grabbed my hand and I had begun my first relationship. It was after this that our group went back over the boarder and stopped for a evening in Disneyland. I took my first girlfriend on a date to Disneyland.

Valentines day is coming up. I am submitting a painting for the benefit art show, “Valentines for Aids” Several years ago it was the 13th year of the show. I can only guess that this is the 15th or 16th this year. I have submitted three times. It is fun to make art that has a theme or a context. The first year I painted in watercolors a husband and wife serving each other drinks. The man serving his wife a martini and the woman serving her husband something in a Hi-ball glass. Both the husband and the wife had secret science beakers behind their backs. The woman had a beaker with a emblem of a heart, the husband had a emblem of a skull. The caption of the picture was, “May you get everything you wish for this Valentines Day.” The intention was to display both getting there hearts truest desire, for her husband to love her, for his wife to die. She would die as he wanted, but he would be madly in love with her as she wanted though she now is dead and gone.

My sister turned on Rainbow Bright the Movie for my Nephews. I was entranced,the mystery's of my youth were answered. I could never figure out what that mechanical horse was doing in Rainbow Bright. And I knew that the rider of the black rocket horse was a super rad character, but I could not remember fully what he looked like. Basically he a fall out character from Voltron drawn by the same guys who did the Lord of the Rings movies. The taped video of Rainbow Bright that I had was not complete. Grandma taped our movies for us kids to watch. Once at the end of a movie a bit of another program came on with a clip about a invisible dinosaur that my childlike mind wondered about continually. It was later in life that I discovered the movie was Predator(1987).

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