I had to create dialogue and plot between plastic superhero toys today. I was playing with my Nephews and I was engaging them in lessons of imagination. I can remember playing as a child, and I turned book shelves into high bluff cliffs, pillows into large rocks and corners of couches into cave fortresses. Today I played with all true conviction, hoping to retain a small amount of this childhood vision so that I could drive down the road and see through child like eyes, my world's possibilities.
The best color to wear right not is Purple, or rather a pastel purple that could be called Lavender. Purple is the color of Kings, and if I had to make up a story of its origin I would say that its beautiful color comes from the combination of the harvested Grape, along with the oils of the Abalone sea shell. Only once a year can the color be made, and the certainty of its brilliance's can only be assured by the resolve of the grape harvester and the abalone divers. If the rain does not fall, or if the frost comes early the grapes fail. If the winter is too cold and the rivers too muddy the abalone with not cultivate. Of course, I cannot know these things to be certain.
Driving home in the car one night and switching stations on the radio I stopped to listen to two DJ's hosting a evening program. The girl DJ mentioned that they are remaking the movie “Red Dawn” The male DJ only replied that he had never seen the movie. I screamed inside of my car as “Red Dawn” was being tried on public airways without a proper testimony of its great goodness. The DJ than received a caller onto the program whom was previously known by the host. The Call In Guest, was brilliant! I yelled in joy and excitement as the he described “ Red Dawn” with out apology as a movie that is about a group of Outdoor Enthusiast High School kids who go to war with the Soviet Army who are holding their parents captive inside the town drive in movie theater. They drink deers blood and yell “WOLVERINES!” starring Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen 1984.
To break it down. First off, Joe, I love the way your mind works. Everything was clear even if at times it seem like your own way of saying it. This is not a bad thing. In fact, your voice in humorous, engaging, and insightful. Your description of purple...my face still hurts from smiling. "WOLVERINES!" LOL
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should have thrown a "second" in there somewhere. :)